If you think COVID-19 is stopping you from finding the love of your life, think again!
Dating in the modern world was already difficult for many singles before the pandemic. The technology and the apps that were meant to bring us closer seem to have created a bigger gap. Finding true love has become the new proverbial coke in the desert…
With the amount of choice available, your chances of “attracting” your soulmate have come down to a well filtered selfie and a swipe. And so you wonder, what happened to real connection and romance? Feeling each other’s vibes?
So why is right now the perfect time to find love?

1. Availability
People are actually available! None of this “too busy nonsense” to get in the way. We are all home and free to chat, more so than we have been in years. Singles globally have been confronted with their “single-ness”, and likely more willing to make a relationship top priority since there are less distractions getting in the way. I mean, what super exciting thing are you doing at home, right?! Might as well show up to your zoom date and be fully present for it…
2. Vulnerability
People are cracked open and ready to share what’s real, from their heart. Nothing like a global disaster to get people in touch with what really matters, and you get to observe their values quickly by how they react to issues firsthand. Usually, it takes long time for people to open up and be vulnerable. Being together in a collective challenge means we are all struggling with in one way or another, so the dating pretense has been lifted and you get to meet people in a deeper way.
3. Delayed Gratification
Social distancing takes SEX off the table for a while, so you are forced to get to know each other before you get “drugged” on hormones. When you have sex, different levels of hormones are released for men than for women, which cloud their perception of the relationship. Women release greater amounts of oxytocin “the cuddle hormone”, which makes us feel more attached. The pandemic is pushing people to postpone the steamy gratification, so you can develop some trust before throwing love hormones in the mix.
4. Need for Connection
We all have a basic human need for love and connection, and now more than ever it has become like oxygen. People’s need for human connection has only become more apparent now that we are not able to go out in public much and meet new people, although for many that was already an issue. The truth is the need was always there, and it has been a long time coming that people face the fact that online socializing is not the same as in person connection. The lack of it today is making it more valuable.
5. Introspection
Since we are with ourselves more than ever, we are getting to know ourselves better! And hopefully learning to love ourselves more. There is a greater need in quarantine to find comfort within ourselves, as we are all pushed to deal with the unconscious blocks that have held us back until now. We can no longer distract ourselves from what isn’t working. 2020 was the year that encouraged people to reflect on their choices, more than ever before.
“Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every relationship you have”
You could sit there and feel victimized about what is currently happening in the world, or you could make COVID your opportunity to do the inner work and come out of this transformed for the better. It is your choice to make.
The truth is we all have subconscious patterns that limit us and keep us contracted, stuck in an illusion of separation. Ambitious women especially are turning to Neuro-Coaching, a type of rewiring, because more than ever this is a time for female empowerment. While many of my clients may be extremely empowered in their careers, their love lives are another story. Nobody showed us how to deal with relationships, nor did we all witness great relationships as examples when we were growing up… so how can we fire off those mirror neurons now?
Furthermore, many of our parents were caught in undesirable dynamics that unconsciously became our “normal”. Mimicking those patterns gives us the feeling that we’re back at home, and that will always feel “right,” even when it’s not at all what we want.
The good news is you can rewire those beliefs at any age, to create the life you do want today. There’s truly never been a better time to manifest conscious love than now, during Covid-19. It all starts with being brave enough to step up!

Vanessa Ringel
Founder of GRAVITĀS
Certified in Spiritual Psychology and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Head Matchmaker at Three Day Rule and Founder of GRAVITĀS, a Neuro-Coaching company that has empowered 100’s of singles to manifest love. She received her MBA from Regents Business School in London. Learn how to manifest your soulmate in her masterclass free for a limited time.