Now that most have settled into their stay at home routines, it’s time to ensure the space you have designated for work is not only comfortable, but effective. That’s because even once the Pandemic is over, it seems more and more people will be aiming to spend less time in the office.
According to Global Workplace Analytics, 25-30% of the workforce will be working from home multiple-days-a-week by the end of 2021. “While the experience of working at home during the crisis may not have been ideal as whole families sheltered in place, it will give people a taste of what could be. The genie is out of the bottle and it’s not likely to go back in.”
Finding the right chair, introducing relaxing scents and keeping healthy snacks within reach are all important according to the experts at Capitol One Careers. Here are some suggestions for getting started.
Get Comfortable
Setting up a space for maximum comfort and productivity is a must. Consider the ergonomics of your space, such as the angle of your computer monitor, the height of your desk and the position of your keyboard.

Ideally, your keyboard should be directly in front of you with your mouse slightly off to the side. Shoulders should be relaxed, elbows at a 90 degree angle and forearms parallel to the floor. Sitting on a padded seat such as Everlasting Comfort Memory Foam Seat and Back Cushion can add comfort and help to alleviate back pain. Just make sure your feet are fully supported by the floor. Lumbar support is also a key element to consider for comfort and proper alignment.
Add Some Ambiance
Set up your space with items that promote relaxation and calm. Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils are a great way to achieve this as they have been shown to carry numerous benefits including stress relief, improved mood, anxiety reduction and improved cognitive function.

Scents can be introduced through a diffuser such as the Everlasting Comfort Essential Oil Diffuser. The flower shaped vase fits perfectly on a desk and the mist output can be adjusted to provide you more or less of a scent.

Candles can also offer a similar effect. Clout is one which is both classic looking and clean. The candles are made with 100% soy-wax, lead-free cotton wicks, and essential oils, which are all free of carcinogens, toxins, and mutants.

Clout is offering Six Feet Apart
readers 10% off!
Click HERE for the code.
Stock Up On Snacks
If you want to keep yourself from mindlessly wandering into the kitchen and raiding the cabinets, keep some healthy snacks nearby just as you would in the office.

Companies like SnackNation make it easy choose wisely and they eliminate the need to go to the store. Nutritious snacks made with wholesome ingredients and free from nasty preservatives can be delivered straight to your door either individually or through a subscription plan. There’s even a “snack and safety” box with essentials including hand sanitizer, reusable masks, and antibacterial wipes as well as a box for that highly anticipated after work virtual happy hour.
Get Organized

Invest in some new accessories and essentials to get you excited about sitting down at your desk. Even if you use your phone or electronics for just about everything, there’s something nostalgic and liberating about picking up a pen and paper. Top Drawer has a variety of quality tools curated from around the world, such as notebooks fashioned with Smyth sewn book binding methods, meaning the pages are physically sewn into the book using binders thread. They also have cozy house shoes handmade in Japan so you can kick off your lace ups or heels and work in comfort.

Elise Edwards
Elise began her career as a Writer/Anchor/Reporter at CNN headquarters in Atlanta, GA. She also served as Supervising Producer at E! Networks and most recently, has been busy freelance producing and writing for numerous magazines and blogs.