The coronavirus outbreak and associated shelter-in-place orders have upended lives to the degree where a return to normal is not likely. In fact, a new survey from University of Phoenix found that COVID-19 has already changed us forever.
The survey, conducted among 2,067 U.S. adults ages 18 and older, found that 86% of U.S. adults are concerned about the lasting impact the pandemic will have on their everyday lives. More than three in four U.S. adults (76%) said that the pandemic has caused them to shift their priorities, and 73% said they’d like to continue doing activities that they’ve increased doing as a result of the pandemic once life is back to normal.
“The coronavirus pandemic has been one of the single most disruptive occurrences in the last decade and we could see ripple effects in how we interact, live our lives and view society for years to come ― if not indefinitely,” said Dr. Dean Aslinia, University of Phoenix counseling program chair. “A shift in behaviors is almost always expected when people endure a substantial change in lifestyle like we experienced, but the survey findings illustrate that lives were impacted in unparalleled ways.”
Changes in Behaviors

Despite being eager to get back to life the way it was before, the overwhelming majority (86%) said even after social distancing guidelines are relaxed, they will be cautious. When reentering society, many will continue to follow safety procedures relating to personal health and social distancing implemented by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) during the pandemic.
When considering personal health, half said that they will wear a mask and 28% will wear gloves at least most of the time in public. Six in 10 will clean/disinfect items they touch at least most of the time, and 62% will keep a six-foot distant between themselves and others at least most of the time.
Many expect to continue social distancing best practices even after the pandemic subsides. More than half will be less likely to attend a large gathering or travel internationally or domestically compared to before the pandemic began. Some have even gone as far as saying they would never participate in higher risk activities like using public transportation, hosting an event at their home or eating at a sit-down restaurant.
Changes at Work

Perceptions of work once social distancing guidelines are relaxed elicited mixed feelings from both employed and unemployed U.S. adults. For employed adults, more than two in five workers said that the pandemic has caused them to reevaluate what they currently do for work. They would look for a workplace where they can work remotely or a job that is less public facing.
For those who are not employed, 25% said it has caused them to reevaluate what they would want to do for work. In a new opportunity, they would look for a workplace where they can work remotely, a job that is less public facing, an industry that is more stable or to be their own boss.
Changes in Parenting

Although parents feel lucky to have had this extra time with their children, those with minors have been parenting differently during the pandemic. About half are allowing their children to wake up later or go to bed later, and a similar proportion are allowing their children to have more screen time. Many encouraged their children to practice good hygiene, appreciate what they have and learn something new.
Despite loosening the reins a bit, many will instill new boundaries after the pandemic subsides. Parents said once social distancing guidelines are relaxed, a majority would still not be comfortable allowing their children to visit places such as attending a large gathering, going to a theme park, zoo, mall, etc., attending a birthday party, or playing on a playground.
They were also uneasy with their children engaging in many social activities, like hugging their friends (60%), going on a playdate (53%), attending school/daycare in-person (53%) or playing sports (45%).
“These survey results are not surprising as parents are feeling the added stress of keeping their children safe and secure during these uncertain times,” said Aslinia. “Parents should make decisions based on what they feel is best for their family and not feel rushed to resume activities,” she added. “Life has upended for all of us and it will take time and patience before we can fully adjust to this new world.”

University of Phoenix
University in Tempe, Arizona
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