Juggling motherhood and a full-time job was hard enough before COVID-19 shut down schools, sports, activities and basically any way to entertain kids outside of the home. As moms, we suddenly found ourselves wearing multiple hats at the same time including teacher, daycare provider, spouse/partner, all while trying to keep our businesses afloat during one of the biggest economic slowdowns in history.
It’s A LOT to mentally and physically handle, but I have managed to figure out a few key strategies to help maintain productivity and sanity within my family and my business.
#1. Carve out your space

Try to lean into the changes as much as you can to help yourself adapt. We were not exactly prepared for having two working parents at home for a prolonged period of time in a NYC apartment. We had to establish our own work space and get creative with materials we had at home because everything was sold out or on back-order. Our workout medicine balls became desk chairs, our folding picnic table my desk and our kitchen countertop my husband’s desk.
#2. Get rid of mom guilt

This is the single most difficult part of being a working mom. We ALL know it. I wish I had the secret sauce to not feeling mom guilt, but I have ways I work through it. Ironically, I thought that by traveling less due to COVID, I would have less guilt, but it has not changed. When feeling guilty I take a few breaths and go through a self-created list.
First, I remind myself that when I am with our daughter I am fully dedicated to her, the time that we spend together is quality time. Second, I enjoy working, the challenge that work provides and in turn, I believe I am setting a good example for her. I actually have these two items written out on a sticky note and I read them out-loud when I am really feeling down.
#3. Make time for ME time

Find time for yourself even if it is in a closet or a bathroom. When you take time for yourself everything will function better. DO NOT FEEL GUILTY about it!
Making time for “me” time will make you a better mother, partner and human. I had to find a way to workout and have ME time. Since gyms closed and I had limited desire to run in the rain with a mask on, I hit the app store. The VHPGO wellness app became my best friend for at home workouts that I could do with limited equipment and space (in my case my bathroom as I live in an apartment with a one-year old so space is limited and her sleeping is precious). I had not done cardio kickboxing since college and fell in love with it again and who knew band workouts could make arm workouts fun!
#4. Get dressed for the day

I believe it is important to look good and feel good inside and out. After my first week of full WFH, I decided I needed to get out of my lulu’s and into my normal work attire, light make-up and non-messy bun look. WOW! Did I feel better when I saw myself on zoom calls and in the mirror, plus mentally it gave me some church and state aka home and work separation.
#5. Make time for “us”

Let’s be frank, “date night” went a little by the wayside those first few weeks of COVID. Me mopping floors and scrubbing our apartment on a Saturday night while my husband snoozed on the couch was not exactly my happiest point of our relationship. As smokey the bear has taught us “only you can prevent forest fires,” I believe the same adage holds to any cycle that needs to be broken or prevented. So we created a new type of date night.
We love to cook together, but with an 18 month old who goes to bed at 8:30 it can be challenging to sip wine, prep and sauté, but we found a way. We looked to creative sourcing from small vendors and restaurants that we loved. We planned (something we never did before) on Monday or Tuesday what we would do and then became excited for Saturday as the components arrived (and we saved money vs going out)!
#6. Hone in your food prep

When was the last time every single meal came out of your kitchen? Mine would be never! But for 12 straight weeks we made every single meal (we had take-out for the first time a few weeks ago). VHPGO also helped with meal planning and simple healthy recipe ideas that I could do with a limited supply of a lot of our favorite foods.
This is a time to focus on tasty, healthful foods, as much as they are available. Be creative and try new things since your go-to staples may be sold out or don’t show up with your grocery order. Maintain flexibility with some structured focus on protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. And remember to drink water to stay healthy, energized, and hydrated.
My husband and I made cooking a part of our weekly date nights to keep it fresh and fun at home. We’d choose a protein that we would cook in a different way every Saturday night for date night. We spent our week discussing it, looking at different recipes and watching different cooking videos.
#7. Don’t skimp on sleep

Stop doom-scrolling in bed! If you are that worried or stressed that you are not sleeping, you need to find a way to manage the stress. I used to read my emails even when trying to fall asleep. I now make my to do list before I get ready for bed and from that point forward, I do not read work email until I wake up. I also read something that is totally fun, non-political or stressful.
#8. Trust your gut

This is an unprecedented time in business and it is important to be knowledgeable and passionate in the space that you are targeting. Learn to embrace feedback if you do not already. Lastly, do not be scared to pivot. The business climate is changing daily and the only way to survive is to be nimble, surround yourself with a great team and do not apologize for following your gut!

Jillian Bridgette Cohen
CEO & Co-founder of Virtual Health Partners, Inc.
Jillian launched VHP in May 2015 with the goal of creating an ecosphere of wellness support available anywhere and anytime. Jillian is responsible for the multi-million-dollar growth of three start-up companies, with a strong focus in the non-invasive weight loss space. Jillian received her Bachelor of Science from Rutgers University Business School and believes the key to success is having a great team.